Some of my Other Work
When not posting about the occult on an obscure website meant to evoke the web-browsing experience of the early 2000's, I'm a writer, motion graphics designer, game designer, and podcaster with quite a few random projects going on at any given time. You can find some of them here.

Still Lives is a fiction podcast in which the last five people on earth hear a knock at the door. We called this show "pastoral post-apocalyptic, and it draws a lot of inspiration from works like Breath of the Wild and Station Eleven -- some part of me wonders how the creators of those works would feel about us frequently using them in the same sentence, but that's neither here nor there.
The show follows a small group of survivors, still dealing with a trauma they refuse to even name, who slowly come to terms with the idea that the world might not be over after all. As another fiction podcaster, Jack Pevyhouse, put it, this show is "a poem and a mystery." You can listen to it here.

The Magical History of Knox County is a much lighter show, sometimes described as "Gravity Falls with a body count." It follows Mordecai Dogwood, an inexperienced but deeply dedicated reporter who takes his first job at a rural Ohio public radio station, then stumbles into a tight-knit magical community hidden in plain site. He tries to find out what happened to his missing predecessor while also producing weekly episodes of his show. Along the way, he meets mages, talking toads, magical biologists, park rangers, and a three-eyed moose.